Found eleven cents walking from my parked car to the salon, hoping for a bang trim. I joke with my kid that we use the found money to pay down our six-figures-left-of-the-decimal mortgage.
How can I go on with my hair for six-seven weeks just fine and then all of a sudden my bangs and the condition of my hair need some TLC? The salon was closed so the spending is postponed. I never really save money: I just reallocate and postpone my spending. I bought one bulb of garlic. My spouse took off to go buy some Twizzlers so there goes my barely spent any money day. Why do I have money bulimia?
Buying a clarinet for my boy on Saturday. The cost equals four months' rental, and the clarinet has had six weeks' use, so I think it's a good deal. It's definitely for the same music experience level as my boy.
I know I am old and crotchety: today's mainstream music all sounds the same, I gripe about the dumbing down of society, so maybe I should fully accept my age and seriously consider an adjustable rate mortgage. What is sad is that two years ago we thought we were doing really well to refinance our mortgage, shaving 9% off the mortgage principal and interest but keeping the payoff date, and now our spending scrapes up against our budget like muffintop belly fat on a tight pair of jeans.
Trying to run with feet of cement
June 20th, 2013 at 04:35 am
June 20th, 2013 at 12:33 pm 1371731623
June 20th, 2013 at 07:36 pm 1371757005
June 20th, 2013 at 08:37 pm 1371760620
It feels to me that I am trying to talk myself into an adjustable rate mortgage or devise some algebraic formula to graph the optimal use of funds in a refinance. Or trying to determine how much overspending is okay and where. I must accept, and am loath to do so because I am such a longtime SA community member, that there are either few or supersecret ways of reducing expenses, and maybe my mortgages and other loan balances are the best that they can be given the circumstances.