Home > If it's June it must be annual Tightwad Gazette reading time

If it's June it must be annual Tightwad Gazette reading time

June 19th, 2012 at 04:32 pm

I am mixing this up with

Text is 50 frugality blogs to help save money and Link is
50 frugality blogs to help save money. I want my son to take martial arts this summer, even if it means cutting down on cappuccinos and potato chips.

Some debt group people are looking at their food expenses. I know I tend to overspend my own food budget, which is uneven because some months we buy meat in bulk, and some months we have Costco runs for the deals. Costco coffee went up 10 cents a pound, pooh. But gasoline went down twenty-five cents a gallon.

My visiting family are gourmands, so I will make some fish and veal stocks for them to use as they cook for us.

My price book cover looks like the Rapture happened, with four faces removed. As we are nearing the halftime show of Fantasy Celebrity Cemetery 2012, or Dirtnap for Dollars, here is a psychic remembrance of whom we will lose in 2013:

- Kirk Douglas
- Ernest Borgnine
- Andy Williams
- Billy Graham
- Christopher Lee
- Jake LaMotta
- The Duke of Edinburgh
- Olivia de Havilland
- Pauline Phillips ("Dear Abby")
- Mickey Rooney

you are welcome.

My goal now is to get more than $9.23 a month increase in net worth for my money market account, savings, certificates of deposit and chequing.

3 Responses to “If it's June it must be annual Tightwad Gazette reading time”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Olivia De haviland is still alive? Miss Melanie? Outrageous. I'd love to find an extra couple hundred for DD's swimming. After years of lessons, it's finally taking this time.
    But where to look?

  2. baselle Says:

    They talk about the 27 yr old musicians being cursed, but this year it was the 47 yr old musicians. And I have a lot of good feelings about Jerry Lewis.

  3. PauletteGoddard Says:

    baselle: this decade will see a Revenge of the Seventies: inflation, "drive 75, freeze a Yankee" bumper stickers, and more disco deaths. Anyone know how Harry Casey of KC and the Sunshine Band is doing?

    My English Castle: if baselle changed her plan and ended the deadpool on June 30, to have another with fresh names on July 1, I would have the money for my kid's martial arts lessons.

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