Home > Lent!


February 22nd, 2012 at 11:48 pm

According to data from the Federal Reserve Board, the ratio of homeowners’ equity to value at the end of the first quarter of 2011 was just 38.0 percent, the lowest on record. If this includes the 100% equity of paid off houses, I request permission to gulp audibly.

Slept through Ash Wednesday morning Mass. I did get replacement tabs and registration for the car -- well timed, as today they expire, so there is my penance. I also renewed our Scarecrow Video 10-punch account, taking out a Pokemon DVD for tot, and a Guy Maddin film for me (it was two-for-one Wednesday today, so one film would be for free).

No giving up disordered attachments of the flesh, other than the resistance to exercise. I do have some abundance--flesh, books and clutter, but scarcity in other areas. Disordered attachments of the mind and wallet will be surrendered, once I figure out what the disordered attachments of the wallet are. Library fines? Wasted food? Five-minute hot showers in February? Acrylamide-laden potato chips? Extra payments toward principal of extremely cheap loan? Sending heavy pricy coffee table hardcover books to eastern Canada while people starve on the streets? Disordered attachment of the mind is thinking how lowly and lonely I am. Certainly there are others who feel more lowly and lonely but I need to know how to find them to care for them. Thinking I need all the books and back magazines I have is disordered attachment.

Chequing account is now under $100 from now until payday.

Lenten practice possibilities:
sell books on shelves. divide proceeds between donating and debt.
empty a junk drawer.
Push-ups and sit-ups. If a starving, freezing Jew can do them in The Book Thief, I could do them.
clean one floor of pieces of paper.
Fast. Sleep on the floor.
Donations for every Vancouver Canucks win (22 games played between now and Easter).
Donation for every Dead Pool win I get between now and Easter (this should be easy -- I may have hit my limit).

5 Responses to “Lent!”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Ah, the Book Thief. I loved it. you too?

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    The Book Thief is so sad! Misery misery tells you who dies at the end brief joy misery misery misery joy despair misery despair paranoia joy. It is excellently written and moving, but I need my Kyril Bonfiglioli (P.G. Wodehouse as crime writer on acid) to break it up.

  3. laura Says:

    Oh, PG, you are hitting all the behaviors that DH and I secretly wonder if our pastor practices (being an Opus Dei follower of sorts). Smile I like the pray more, eat less, be more kind. That is the philosophy we're following at my house.

    Happy Lent.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    I loved The Book Thief, too. I like sad books, not because I want to be sad, but because I think we need to hear the stories of people who have suffered -- if only to appreciate our own lives.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I, too, liked The Book Thief! And you are so right...why can't I get a few push ups and sit ups in?

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