Last year: $491.00
This year: $546.00
I shall surf for better car/home insurance packages -- if I can get a $60 discount for having both auto and home insurance with one insurance agency that will offset my donation to the "ProjectShare" program my utility offers for low-income people behind on their bills.
Everything is going up, sigh. I wonder how people on fixed incomes are managing...
Insurance Musings
January 13th, 2008 at 12:27 am
January 13th, 2008 at 01:47 pm 1200232051
Note to self: Must save MORE MONEY!!!
January 13th, 2008 at 04:33 pm 1200242001
This isn't a swat at your giving to project share. Rather... well, think through the idea of tithing. Let's say you aspired to be giving away 10% of your income yearly as soon as you could work up to that level. On one side, there's the work of figuring out how to squish that into your budget.
On the other, there's the fun of thinking about what you could accomplish. If you had, say, $10k that you wanted to make the world better with this year, what would you do with it? Thinking this through has made me stop giving away $60 at a time and start writing big checks for one under-supported thing that I care a lot about.
If you made your priorities Pay Yourself First, Pay for change next, and then pay the bills and the wants, would that utterly change your life? It has mine.