Home > No apologies

No apologies

May 16th, 2007 at 03:10 pm

The gas prices here are finally high enough that even we scooterists are thinking through our trips: do we really need to be using our oil?

Unapologetically I used the car last night to run errands: deposits, mail runs, fast food, and picking up monies for a raffle. My reasoning: fast food is easier to store in a car, I was mentally depleted and unworthy to be on two wheels, and it would be getting dark by the time I finished my errands.

And today I'll be unapologetically using my scooter to make errands: buying gifts for Staff Appreciation Week at the kid's preschool, and mailing my brother's degree to South Korea. Possibly even a Roth IRA contribution.

But one of these days, probably tomorrow and/or Friday, I will be busing it to and from work.

I want to start bulk-buying as a group at Big Lots or Costco. I want to start stockpiling nonperishable goods and foodstuffs while this inflation is going on... sure, the CPI might be a quoted 3% but as discussed in earlier entries I still use food and energy, two consumption items NOT factored in the CPI.

1 Responses to “No apologies”

  1. baselle Says:

    Yeah, isn't that funny? We all use food and energy. What sort of price index is it that doesn't include food and energy? Oh yes...the kind of index that reports but doesn't report.

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