Home > Venomous Folks Elsewhere

Venomous Folks Elsewhere

July 27th, 2006 at 07:06 pm

I don't know quite why the vibe here on is more mellow, cooperative and positive compared to another board I won't mention. But it is. Maybe it's because the chorus are people going through the same thing -- they want to save money, and trading tips to help them achieve their goals is the currency here. That, to me, is what makes great.

I do like that single parents with a heavy financial burden aren't reprimanded by members of the opposite sex who haven't even started a family and have no idea of the costs and energy involved here. Why does it seem to be the opposite sex who want to punish the parent verbally?

Maybe I am just blind to the wonderful feeling it must be to be lonely, smug and superior, but how does it help a single mom to be kicked by anonymous strangers for decisions she's made and is trying to provide for? Why can't these jerks just not be jerks and provide constructive ideas and advice?

What is it about some members of the American public that makes them the arbiters or judges of how many children other people should have? If I have one it's not enough, I am told, by childless people and people helped by their rich fathers-in-law to purchase apartment complexes for real estate, I need another. Where is the offer to pay for another? What if I feel only like having the number of children I can afford and remain middle-class?

These single parents are facing an uphill climb as expenses squeeze the budgets of any family earning under 1.6 times the median income. How is semi-anonymous Internet abuse going to help them?

I know compassion is learned, not innate. I keep thinking these people who have never been laughed at or criticized for wearing the same clothes every day because of a limited wardrobe, or have never had too many grilled cheese or fried bologna sandwiches because of reduced food budgets, who've never had gambling, alcoholic unemployed smoking parents giving them and the other parents emotional abuse should really shut their traps and skip the bullying and useless lectures.

If someone is scraping: there are six billion people on the planet. Three billion of them likely live in worse conditions than even a full-time working/part-time studying parent of four is. SOMEONE has got to have some good advice for that parent. That parent is WORKING and STRUGGLING and SACRIFICING so as NOT to be on public assistance and to BECOME a consumer that can help keep the economy afloat!

And the parent should be able to read that advice and profit from its use without recriminations from people who've never walked a mile in his or her shoes.

Which is why I like and appreciate the quality of content on and the personal finance forums.

3 Responses to “Venomous Folks Elsewhere”

  1. Bookie Says:

    I think you just said it all and said it very well. I agree on all counts.

  2. Joe W Says:

    Maybe some people are "critical" of others because they don't want them to do the same, stupid things with their finances that they did. So giving someone a wake-up call is their way to attone for their past mistakes by making sure that others don't make the same idiotic, financial mistakes that they did. Granted, I'm sure that somtimes they come off as tactless, but I'm sure they are beating themselves up for their own past mistakes as well. I probably fall into this category, minus being tactless, of course.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    It is a very warm and friendly environment here. I've only ever been on one group before in my eleven years online that was similar to this one in character. So many devolve into nastiness. I imagine if someone even started that here, folks would close ranks in a hurry and nip it in the bud.

    I think the biggest difference about this site is that we are here because we want to save money, pay off our debts, learn from others, and hang out with other folks who want the same things.

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