Home > Goals For July

Goals For July

June 28th, 2006 at 05:32 pm

1. Do my job well.
2. Learn skills to take to the next job.
3. Network for next job.

1. Keep track of every penny that comes into the house.
2. Keep track of every penny that leaves the house.
3. Record a monthly budget.

1. Shop for car/motorcycle/home insurance.
2. Get estimates for wiring.
3. Assemble 15-30 recipes for next month from "thrifty" sources.
4. Try to work over 35 hrs/week.
5. Start researching -- buying stuff for brother.

The Dude and I are signing for the HELOC today. Yipes. Not sure if we're getting 7.24% or 7.49% or 7.99% or even 8.9%. Our Beacon score is good (above 800) but not great (below 850). I've read that you don't want to have a balance on the HELOC when the SHTF. Yet my spouse and I want to improve the wiring in our home so he and I can telecommute. There's about $120/month savings in gas, and probably $40/month extra energy charges there.

Still eating out but not liking it so much. I must be a great cook. Eating fresh salads at home instead.
Update: rate is 7.49%. Not terrible.

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