Home > Making changes

Making changes

June 15th, 2006 at 05:02 am

I made an appointment for a tour of the closest licensed child care provider to us. Not only is it marginally cheaper (8-9%) than where we've got the lad now, they provide lunches. Also, being three blocks away from the center makes it very easy for either one of us to go fetch the boy.

And, I have to say, the projected 4% increase in daycare is better than the 8-12% increase we've come to expect from where we put the boy now. I hope his IQ test comes back as average (90-110) because if it comes back as gifted (120+), and they're treating him like there's something wrong with him, then I'm pulling him out.

PEMCO wants my auto insurance business. I'll see if they'll welcome the motorcycle. I could use a reduction in insurance costs. They threw in a 30 minute long distance card too. Groovy!

Spent money on lunch. I am bad. Soup, roll, salad and brownie. $4.68

Spent money on gas: $9.06. That should last me one week.

Still investigating long distance service.
Want it as cheap as possible.

1 Responses to “Making changes”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I'm using Kall Cents for my moms long distance. It used to be the cheapest alternative here in WA. Not sure now, with the advent of all the new companies.

    We're switching to Comcast for mom, as it is now going to beat Kall Cents for her.

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