Home > easy come, easy go

easy come, easy go

September 19th, 2006 at 05:07 pm

Bills paid:
$615 for childcare deposit.
$547 for CC#1
$107 for CC#2
$40.20 for dentist
$24 for natural gas bill
$64 (late) for telephone bill
$138 for water/sewer bill (bimonthly)
$55 for electricity bill (bimonthly)

Bank of Moloch has indicated it may start altering the closing date on the card. I believe that Bank of Moloch and other credit card issuers don't want for us to use their cards. Maybe HELOCs and cheques and debit cards.

FlexCar fees, rates and charges to go up.
Natural gas rates to rise. So now I have to consider: what energy efficient moves can I make that are CHEAPER than paying for the extra energy? Caulking, yes. The energy efficient windows will lower heating costs by 15%, BUT will the windows ever pay for themselves in our lifetime?

The problem with sudden bursts of money is that ideas for spending/saving/investing percolate afterward. IRAs were initially the main focus, then the payments for my son's social communication playgroup will be due, because insurance won't carry them.
Vehicles and trips versus padding the emergency fund and maximizing my Roth IRA contribution and contributing to my son's education fund. Looking at the finances of the school district, I'm considering private school.

1 Responses to “easy come, easy go”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    My boyfriend buys the kits that let you put plastic over the windows. They are about $20. He used them last year on all the windows for the coldest months and it helped his energy bill. I don't remember him swearing about putting them on and in some rooms (like bedrooms) where you have curtains closed a lot or where you have lace curtains you really don't noticed.

    As he is in an apartment he only used 1/2 the plastic in the kit.

    You can also use a timer for your thermostat to lower usages. Change to flourescent bulbs when you need a new lightbulb -

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