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At last, a savings goal!

June 12th, 2006 at 04:58 pm

$25,000 in 24 months -- $1041.67/month.

1. $5000 toward scooter
Rationale: loan goes up to 12.99% in four months. Savings: $500.00 this year
Where I am now: $391.43

2. $4000 toward savings for 2007
Rationale: emergency funds or big ticket items. Savings: $84.00 this year
Where I am now: $1000 toward savings

3. $4000 toward Roth IRA for 2006
Savings: $35020 in 2035
Where I am now: $0

4. $3000 toward windows
Savings: ???
Where I am now: $0

5. $2000 toward electricity rewiring
Savings: $1520.48 this year
Where I am now: $0

6. $3000 toward ESA for 2006
Savings: $8257 in 2018
Where I am now: $0

7. $2000 toward roof
Savings: NONE
Where I am now: $0

8. $2000 toward margin account
Investment: Sweet satisfaction of shorting loser myopic greedy companies
This won't be all at once, of course. We're pitifully but meaningfully on our way.
Savings: WHO KNOWS
Where I am now: $0.17

$158,002.73 owing on mortgage
$4915.00 owing on vehicle
$1154.00 owing on credit card

Income: $5200 net
Outgo: $4660 net

I foolishly applied $770.74 as principal rather than a halfpayment to our mortgage. This is $290.00 more than we should have paid for principal. I hope my husband can forgive me. $641.00 in interest payments have been saved, and our home will be ours free and clear by July 1, 2023.

I went to Dave Ramsey's Website and took this Smart Money Makeover web app. I noticed that the maximum number one could input for savings (rainy day fund, retirement, cash on hand) was 99999. So my number necessarily came out lower than it should have.

Currently we aren't allowing ourselves much leeway financially in our budget. I must say no to little things. Screw you, Working Assets. No to WashPIRG, Citizens action. Look at other daycares that are marginally cheaper. Slash the food budget.

2 Responses to “At last, a savings goal!”

  1. baselle Says:

    These are all such great goals, but so many of them! Concentrate on a few, succeed in those. Your success with those couple of projects will help you feel better and get you jazzed up for some of the other ones.

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I guess the scooter would be the #1 to take care of. I do feel better that my goals are noble, and that spending isn't for questionable items like granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and plasma TVs, but rather investments for future savings.

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