Home > Part One 2013 Assessment

Part One 2013 Assessment

December 17th, 2013 at 08:41 pm

I've met my 7% principal debt payment goal for this year, time to ratchet the % up to 8% for 2014. I want to refinance our car note down to 1.74% or whatever the prevailing rate is for new. Hoping for 48 month term instead of 60. If not I shall invest the difference.

Winter for me means a monthly gas bill over $110. That's what ours came to for the past month. Not interested in reducing it. I feel, with blankets, newer windows, throws, insulation, and a programmable thermostat, we've done enough. That triple digit just shocks me. Fortunately the bill shrinks by the March statement.

A whole lot of things I want to do differently. Make my blog content more useful and find the useful contents on other blogs would be great. Save enough to buy a new mattress or refinish the wood floors.

Things I did well this year:
* correctly diagnosed executive functioning problem
* reduced car fuel costs by over 40%
* met my goals for debt
* identified my energy leaks
* found and am using effective weight loss and stress reduction routines
* learned to shop at Asian markets for cheap vegetables and fruits

3 Responses to “Part One 2013 Assessment”

  1. Rachael777 Says:

    Just a pat on the back. You are doing great and your blog is useful as is. good job and keep going. Smile

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    Love it...

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Smile I would certainly be happy with those results! Nice!

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